

The Number Of The Beast

Childen Of The Damned - The continuing saga of Charlotte The Harlot
The Prisoner
22 Acacia Avenue
The Number Of The Beast
Run To The Hills
Hallowed Be Thy Name
  • Invaders (Harris) [3.22] Longboats have been sighted the evidence of war has begun Many Nordic fighting men their swords and shields all gleam in the sun Call to arms defend yourselves get ready to stand and fight for your lives Judgement day has come around so be prepared don’t run stand your ground They’re coming in from the sea they’ve come the enemy beneath the blazing sun the battle has to be won Invaders ... Pillaging Invaders ... Looting Set ablaze the campfires alert the other men from inland Warning must be given there’s not enough men here for a stand The Vikings are too many too powerful to take on our own We must have reinforcements we cannot fight this battle alone They’re coming over the hill they’ve come to attack they’re coming in for the kill there’s no turning back Invaders ... Fighting Invaders ... Marauding Axes grind and maces clash as wounded fighters fall to the ground Severed limbs and fatal woundings bloody corpses lay all around The smell of death and burning flesh the battle weary fight to the end The Saxons have been overpowered victims of the mighty Norsemen You’d better scatter and run the battle’s lost and not won you’d better get away to fight another day Invaders ... Raping Invaders ... Plundering
  • Children Of The Damned (Harris) [4.33] He’s walking like a small child But watch his eyes burn you away Black holes in his golden stare God knows he wants to go home Children of The Damned Children of The Damned Children of The Damned Children of The Damned He’s walking like a dead man If he had lived he would have crucified us all Now he’s standing on the last step Ho thought oblivion well it beckons us all Children of The Damned Children of The Damned Children of The Damned Children of The Damned Now it’s burning his hands he’s turning to laugh Smiles as the flames sears his flesh Melting his face screaming in pain Peeling the skin from his eyes Watch him die according to plan He’s dust on ground what did we learn You’re Children of The Damned Your back’s against the wall You turn into the night You’re Children of The Damned Like candies watch them burn Burning in the light You’ll burn again tonight You’re Children of The Damned
  • The Prisoner (Smith/Harris) [6.00] On the run kill to eat You’re starving now you’re dead on your feet Going all the way nature’s beast Do what I want as I please Run fight to breathe it’s tough Now you see me now you don’t Break the walls I’m coming out Not a prisoner I’m a free man And my blood is my own now Don’t care where the past was I know where I’m going ... out If you kill me it’s self defence If I kill you then I call it vengeance Spit in your eye I will defy You’ll be afraid when I call out your name I’m not a number I’m a free man I’ll live my life how I want to You’d better scratch me from your black book Cos I’ll run rings round you
  • 22 Acacia Avenue (Harris/Smith) [6.34] If you’re feeling down depressed and lonely I know a place where we can go 22 Acacia Avenue meet a lady that I know So if you’re looking for a good time And you’re prepared to pay the price Fifteen quid is all she asks for Everybody’s got their vice If you’re waiting for a long time for the rest to do their piece You can tell her that you know me and you might even get it free So any time you’re down the East End don’t hesitate to go You can take my honest word for it she’ll teach you more than you can know Charlotte can’t you get out from all of this madness Can’t you see it only brings you sadness When you entertain your men don’t you know the risk of getting disease Some day when you’re reaching the age of forty I bet you’ll regret the days when you were laying Nobody then will want to know You won’t have any beautiful wares to show anymore 22. the avenue that’s the place where we all go You will find it’s warm inside the red light’s burning bright tonight Charlotte isn’t it time you stopped this mad life Don’t you ever think about the bad times Why do you have to live this way Do you enjoy your lay or is it the pay Sometimes when you’re strolling down the avenue The way you walk it makes men think of having you When you’re walking down the street Everybody stops and turns to stare at you Beat her mistreat her do anything that you please Bite her excite her make her get down on her knees Abuse her misuse her she can take all that you’ve got Caress her molest her she always does what you want You’re running away don’t you know what you’re doing Can’t you see it’ll lead you to ruin Charlotte you’ve taken your life and you’ve thrown it away You believe that because what you’re earning Your life’s good don’t you know that you’re hurting All the people that love you don’t cast them aside All the men that are constantly drooling It’s no life for you stop all that screwing You’re packing your bags and you’re coming with me
  • The Number Of The Beast (Harris) [4.49] I left alone my mind was blank I needed time to think to get the memories from my mind What did I see can I believe that what I saw that night was real and not just fantasy Just what I saw in my old dreams were they reflections of my warped mind staring back at me Cos in my dreams it’s always there the evil face that twists my mind and brings me to despair The night was black was no use holding back Cos I just had to see was someone watching me In the mist dark figures move and twist was all this for real or some kind of hell 666 the number of the beast Hell and fire was spawned to be released Torches blazed and sacred chants were praised as they start to cry hands held to the sky In the night the fires burning bright the ritual has begun Satan’s work is done 666 the number of the beast Sacrifice is going on tonight This can’t go on I must inform the law Can this still be real or some crazy dream but I feel drawn towards the chanting hordes they seem to mesmerise, can’t avoid their eyes 666 the number of the beast 666 the one for you and me I’m coming back I will return And I’ll possess your body and I’ll make you burn I have the fire I have the force I have the power to make my evil take it’s course
  • Run To The Hills (Harris) [3.50] White man came across the sea He brought us pain and misery He killed our tribes he killed our creed He took our game for his own need We fought him hard we fought him well Out on the plains we gave him hell But many came to much for Cree Oh will we ever be set free? Riding through dustclouds and barren wastes Galloping hard on the plains Chasing the redskins back to their holes Fighting them at their own game Murder for freedom a stab in the back Women and children and cowards attack Run to the hills run for your lives Run to the hills run for your lives Soldier blue in the barren wastes Hunting and killing their game Raping the women and wasting the men The only good Indians are tame Selling them whiskey and taking their gold Enslaving the young and destroying the old Run to the hills run for your lives (repeat to end)
  • Gangland (Smith/Burr) [3.47] Shadows may hide you but also may be your grave You’re running today maybe tomorrow you’ll be saved You pray for daylight to save you for a while You wonder if your children will face the killer’s smile Dead men - tell no tales In Gangland - murders up for sale Dead men - tell no tales In Gangland - where jail birds die Face at the window leers into your own But it’s only your reflection still you tremble in your bones How long can you hide? How long till they come? A rat in a trap but you’ve got to survive Once you were glad to be free for a while The air tasted good and the world was your friend Then came the day when the hard times began Now your alone but alive for how long? A knife at your throat another body on the pile A contract to keep it’s service with a smile Murder for vengeance or murder for gain Death on the streets or a blacked out jail Dead men - tell no tales In Gangland - murders up for sale Dead men - tell no tales In Gangland - where jail birds die In Gangland you tell no tales
  • Hallowed Be Thy Name (Harris) [7.10] I’m waiting in my cold cell when the bell begins to chime Reflecting on my past life and it doesn’t have much time Cos at 5 o’clock they take me to the Gallows Pole The sands of time for me are running low When the priest comes to read me the last rites I take a look through the bars at the last sights Of a world that has gone very wrong for me Can it be there’s been some sort of error Hard to stop the surmounting terror Is it really the end not some crazy dream Somebody please tell me that I’m dreaming It’s not easy to stop from screaming But words escape me when I try to speak Tears they flow but why am I crying After all I’m not afraid of dying Don’t I believe that there never is an end As the guards march me out to the courtyard Someone calls from a cell "God be with you" If there’s a God why has he let me go? As I walk all my life drifts before me And though the end is near I’m not sorry Catch my soul cos it’s willing to fly away Mark my words please believe my soul lives on Please don’t worry now that I have gone I’ve gone beyond to see the truth When you know that your time is close at hand maybe then you’ll begin to understand Life down there is just a strange illusion